If you don’t have a clue what I’m on about you can read the Telegraph’s interview with Kirstie here she got kind of blasted for ‘telling’ women to ditch university and have babies young. Agree or disagree, she made a valid point and stimulated a decent debate.

P.S. I have a new book OUT NOW! You can nab it on Amazon here or in your lovely local bookshop :)
I still like her too :) love your illustrations! Xxx
Thanks lovely :) x
Is still like her. I’ve always liked her and what she has made a valid point x
Me too – love her and Phil :) x
Ha ha I love your drawings!
Thank you x
I love this!!! I think we need to drink rabbit punch stuff at britmums! x
I will try and make some – with added gin obvs ;) x
Very fond of our Kirsty regardless I have to say! And I heart your drawings :-)
Gotta love her amazing property knowledge :) x
This is actually hilarious! Love it! Well said/drawn!
Ahh thank you :) x
Shhhh controversial. I would. If I could have my time again have had kids MUCH earlier! Then I would have had more. I feel for me I was a bit too late and as I am getting ever nearer to 40 (sob vom etc) I may not be able to have more. I love Kirstie. Lots x
Am still in shock that you are not 28!
OK. Irrational comment alert. I am sure she is lovely but I can’t read the article because she. annoys. me. So. MUUUCCCHHHHHH. Fortunately for her, who cares at all what I think. She seems to be doing pretty well for herself.
Oh. And while, I am here. I prefer vodka to Gin. There. I said it.
Still loves you though. Hope you can forgive me. Got to sort my Facebook razzmatazz out and then I will see you there.
ha ha sorry but i kind of love her – and phil! And you don’t like gin?! What’s wrong with you?! x
Well said Katie. You talk/write/draw a lot of sense gin-lover. There was a lot of sense in what KA said – and you’re right, let’s read it properly before getting all hot and bothered about it.
That’s what frustrated me the most – the fact people are saying she was ‘telling’ people what to do when she wasn’t at all. I hate when people don’t read things properly grrr. Thanks though Kiran :) x
ha ha brilliant, I think this may be the best response I’ve seen to the whole thing and oh my there have been a lot, a few of them even came from people who had read the interview!
My that’s a compliment – thank you! I have read a lot too, i just don’t get why people aren’t allowed to voice different opinions! Just make your own decisions that you are happy with :)
I don’t know what’s going on and haven’t read Kirsty A’s article but if this post is anything to do with gin, then i have to start getting into the spirit. Love the drawings. you could be talking about raw sewage and would still be funny Katie :)) Oh I see. Yes I wish I’d had 6 babies at 18, give them to a maternity nurse to look after, and received them back 6 years later one by one in my boudoir in the early evening for a pleasant chat and hair stroke.
I must have had my head in the clouds. I wasn’t aware if any of this!!! X
She lives in a fluffy bubble of privilege and is best ignored.
I think her comments were meant well it’s just hard when you have left it a bit late to be constantly reminded of it! We don’t all meet the man of our dreams in our 20s… some of us have to wait a while first x
I have to admit I haven’t read it but I agree with the gist of what she said anyway. Women’s fertility peaks at 21 and that’s just a fact, obviously everyone has a choice but sometimes people don’t know themselves properly until after having kids, I know I didn’t and now I have two kids and I’m still in my 20’s (for another four whole weeks!) I have loads of plans to focus on my career now x
Yay to the doodles! And I still love her. ;)
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I still like her too, but like Phil so much more! Swoooon… ;)
Love the commentary and stick figures!
Being in the sthn hemisphere we’re out of the loop on this but can I still say I like Kirstie Allsop without having heard of the issue before now?
When I read the article it sounded like she was just ruminating about things and then advocating for open discourse amongst women. Now I’m at ‘the age I am’, I’ve had a few epiphanies about the path I took and with hindsight think that I moved along ‘an expected path’. I knew no different. For me, discourse about options and consequences when I was younger would certainly have meant I could have made a fully informed decision whatever it might have been.
Why anyone would not like someone simply because she has spoken her mind with a perfectly valid view point is totally beyond me! I can’t be arsed to read it, I think she’s fabulous :) Loving your stick man illustration ;) x
Genius! I am so with you on this one. She’s awesome. x
I LOVE your drawings! And your take on it actually. For what it’s worth, I think she’s stated some naive stuff, however, as you rightly say, she started a debate, and actually, if her vision is ever to have any kind of reality, a huge step change will need to be made in society. And for that, debate is the starting point. I agree with her that in an ideal world, it would be done the way she suggests. But then in an ideal world, climbing the career ladder would be facilitated by flexible working, equal pay, sensible salaries for career starters (rather than the daft ‘graduate training scheme’ slave labour that happens at the bottom of the pay scale), and affordable childcare. Unfortunately, I’m not even sure that will happen in my daughter’s lifetime. But, as I said, debate is where it will all begin. Everyone said Emily Pankhurst was deluded, didn’t they…?
I didn’t read it, but your illustrations made me chuckle!