The Ordinary Moments – Virus


I’ve already done a sad post about the Virus that has plagued us this week. Little F bounced back after one night but Baby S was very poorly for days.

This weeks Ordinary Moments couldn’t have been anything else but all of the moments i shared with a very sleepy little guy. We have pretty much been cuddling on the sofa all week and although its been horrible watching him suffer, its been such a special time too and I’ve really cherished taking care of him.

I’m pleased to report that he is now pretty much back to full health and way too busy to cuddle anymore!


mummy daddy me

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26 thoughts on “The Ordinary Moments – Virus

  1. cariemay

    Oh I am glad to see him looking so perky! Poor boy, it’s no fun being sick, even if it does mean sleepy cuddles in between the clearing up.

  2. elliebearbabi

    He’s such a beautiful boy! so glad everyones on the mend! (is that a jelly cat bashful bunny hes hugging? “A” has one too with flowery ears he goes everywhere with her already and she can’t sleep without him! Ours looks 100 years old already compared to urs tho :/ ) xx

  3. mummydaddyme

    Aw that last photo is just gorgeous- definitely one for a frame. But the photos of him sleeping are adorable too, I know it is awful but when they get poorly it is horrible, but I do enjoy the snuggles. We haven’t had a bad virus for a while now, here’s hoping they stay clear a bit longer. x

  4. Dean B

    Good to know he is so much better! As for us down here, there is a bug or virus doing the rounds at play-school, T caught it =( She’s been really poorly the past few days too but seems better today. Hopefully she’ll be able to go to play school tomorrow.


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