We’ll be pinching and punching each other tomorrow so today is the day to share our family portrait for February. This was taken on the littlest’s birthday – the day he turned the big One. We are in JB’s in Brighton, we ate big fat burgers and the birthday boy probably had far too many salty chips than he should (although i think the salt intake increases at 1 so it was a pretty timely indulgence).
To be completely honest I’m struggling to write this post right now on Thursday evening. We had a breakdown today (the car not me) and i spent an hour stuck inside it with an increasingly mental baby. All i can say is hurrah for the bag of rice cakes i tossed in the change bag before we left for the school run. It was fine, just a flat battery, but there was pre bath time wine as a reward and my head is a little fuzzy as a result.
But the real reason for my lack of cohesive thought is that ummm ONE OF MY POSTS WENT VIRAL! Sorry for the shouting and the shameless self promotion but I can’t help feeling a wee bit pleased with myself as I watch the shares go crazy around the world. I have tried to keep it quiet for fear I would sound like I am boasting, but this is my own little space and I figure that the people who visit here would not (hopefully) begrudge me that.
Everyone blogs for different reasons, and i appreciate and read blogs across a wide spectrum. Mine is purely and simply because i like to write, always have done. That people come back here, that people comment, that people share, that people enjoy what i write, it’s given me motivation that I’m not sure I’ve ever had before. So thank you, really and truly thank you to everyone who has been so kind and welcoming to me.
Last but not least I am off to Belfast tomorrow (alone) visiting one of the best people in the whole world, my dear friend Jane. I am also getting to meet her new baby boy for the first time. I am excited beyond belief; for the cuddles, of course all the cuddles, and not least for the little time i will have on the plane to read some trashy magazines :)
These little facies (and the beardy one of their father who feels he never gets a mention but is loved just as much) will be greatly missed of course…….
This post is linked up to the very lovely Lucy at Dear Beautiful’s family portrait project, a great way to make sure you get a monthly family snap :) click the button below to read more posts or join in.
If you like my blog please consider nominating me for best new blog, best writer or most entertaining. If you don’t like it GO AWAY!

P.S. I have a new book OUT NOW! You can nab it on Amazon here or in your lovely local bookshop :)
Congrats in the viral post- well deserved! I actually had two of your posts appear on my newsfeed this week :-)
Enjoy having some me time with your friend x
:)) thanks lovely x
Well done, it is well deserved! Have fun and enjoy your time sans kids in Belfast!
Thanks i will do! xx
Lovely photos and congrats on the post going viral! You totally deserve it and have the right to shout about it!! xx
Such cute pictures.
And really huge congrats on the viral post. I see so many tweets and Facebook questions about how do you get your blog ‘out there’ and get more people to read. For me, you’re proof that it’s great content and being nice. End of.
Hope you have a fab weekend x
Gorgeous pics! Enjoy your cuddles and your trashy mags. And HUGE congratulations on the viral post!! Well done, I shall buy you a gin at Britmums. xx
Gorgeous pics and you deserve all your success sweetie, which was the post, want to read it (tweet me) x
Gorgeous photos! And you deserve having a post going viral…well done you!
OOh I want to know which post now! Congratulations
Love the family portrait for February, even better because it’s a birthday dinner! And congratulations on your viral post!! That is totally awesome! :)
Your viral post appeared on my personal Facebook feed after two friends shared it. I felt strangely proud, thinking thats one of my blogging friends! Remember that I have loved your blog from the start when you are famous. ;) Joking aside, it was a fab post. And this is a lovely picture of you all. x
Woo hoo big tens lady!!!!! Blooming right too, awards here you come! Love this photo my boys would adore that restaurant! xxx
Thanks Lucy – Anywhere with chips is usually a winner ;)
Such a great way to celebrate a first birthday. We have a similar diner near us and the kids LOVE it (as does Mummy!!!)
And very well done on the post. It was so strange seeing it on Facebook and thinking “but that’s Katie how do my friends know her!” x
:) Thanks lovely xx
Great pictures – I love an American diner! And congrats on the viral post – it’s awesome!
Congratulations! :) I have a feeling you’re going to bag yourself an award too ;) xx Oh and enjoy your trip to Belfast.
Great photos! Happy birthday little one. Congratulations on your post going viral! Enjoy your trip too. I’d love to be getting on a plane myself but maybe to somewhere hot LOL.
Oh that last photo is gorgeous!! Happy Birthday little man! Lovely family photo and I was going to ask where it was taken – Love an American Diner type place, will need to pay a visit next time we’re in Brighton! Congrats on the viral post! xx
Was that the funny ‘memo’ from the toddler about eating? Was pretty hilarious.
It was :)
Well done with your post going viral. How exciting!
I love the family photo, the restaurant looks fab! x
I stumbled across your blog, after a friend posted a link to it on FB. (I’m guessing it’s the same one that you say here went viral). Anyhoo, I really loathe forum/ blogs about parenting etc. If I do read them, I always feel a huge sense of regret for the time wasted, but thankful for realising that I’m not one of “them”. And, certainly, I’ve never ever posted a comment on one before. But having read “I’ve noticed an alarming trend at pre-school…” and then this post above, I just *had* to say – hoorah to you! And an even bigger hoorah for the truly inspired name for your blog! I really enjoyed your writing, humour, and observance. Good luck in all you do, and here’s to you going viral a lot more often from now on. I promise I will never comment again ;)
Thank you so much for leaving me my nicest comment ever! Truly, i appreciate you taking the time out to write something so lovely it brought tears to my eyes. I have never earnt a single penny or got a single freebie from this blog as i only do it for the love – feedback like that makes all the hard work worthwhile. Thank you x
Lovely photo’s!
Congrats on your post going viral!!
Love the cute photos, sounds like your little man had a great birthday =]
Hope you have a fantastic time visiting your friend xx
Thanks Katie x
Oooh well done missus – viral …wowsers. Now you are famous do I have to buy the gin at Britmums? Jesus Christ, I knew it… you’ll be the one walking around saying “Do you know who I am” and drinking gin from erm…somewhere where they make dead expensive gin…;) xxx
Yes Kerrie you are right that is exactly what i will be doing. If i see you i am running away, can’t be seen rubbing shoulders with just anybody! x
Hurrah for viral posts – I’m surprised more of them haven’t gone stratospheric you write with such lovely humour! And your family photo is lovely, you look like you were all having so much fun, and it’s definitely the way to celebrate turning one!
Aww thanks Carie – too kind xx
So many congratulations on the viral post! You should totally shout about it and be super proud. Amazing. xx PS. I really want a burger now.
Ha ha thanks Sarah x
LOVE these pics Katie – and well done for going viral :) I feel equally smug about it as I can tell people that you are one of my lovely Twitter friends ;) X
Oh thanks Caro, its was nice but a tad exposing at the same time! x
Ooh well done on your viral post :) Gorgeous family photos too, looks like a fab place to eat out.
I heard that salt intake doesn’t count on birthdays…. fab photo and an awesome way to spend a birthday.
Amazing work on the post – too right shout about it! Congrats missus, totally deserved :) And oh you bunch of gorgeous faces you *shakes fist* ;)
How exciting! Your blog is fab! Glad you are getting the recognition you deserve! x
Fabulous blog lovely