At the minute I have precisely 13 items on my ‘needs doing now’ to-do list, which is on top of the 22 items on my ‘to do as soon as you can’ to-do list which doesn’t include the many, many things on the ‘will probably never happen so I don’t really know why you even exist’ to-do list.
A lot of these items are related to the kids and things they need, what with all their growing and general destruction of stuff. Their feet are always too big, toothbrush bristles too flat, socks too holey, pants too un-findable etc etc.
On Saturday I went into town with a list of stuff to buy them, leaving them at home with their dad (regular readers will understand why I don’t take my kids near retail outlets). Anyway the list was pretty dull…
The main items I needed to buy were lightweight rain coats so I aimed to find them first and work my way down from there. But find them I did not. I don’t know about you but if I start badly on a list I tend to loose interest with the task in hand and go a bit off course. Other things catch your eye and then…
So I returned home without any many of the things on my list.
‘How did you get on?’ asked J.
Do you ever do that thing where you add things that you already did to your list just so you can cross them off and make yourself feel better?
I do.
‘Oh bit rubbish.. well I did get 2/10…’
Are feet, teeth and keeping dry really that important anyway?
Not when you can be BATMAN!!
…and wearing pants just seems to fade into insignificance when you are drinking gin dressed as Grumpy Bear!
#ginbear #batboys #happy

P.S. I have a new book OUT NOW! You can nab it on Amazon here or in your lovely local bookshop :)
Ha ha yep agree with all the above! S is giving F a run for his modelling money there :-) x
1. I need that onesie. (Did it come in the other bears? I was totally sunshine bear – ironic now eh?)
2. HA! My daily to-do list is all about crossing off stuff I’ve already done – like when I write in my diary stuff I did last week so I look important if I have to flip back in public!
Such cute outfits!!!! Love the Batman hoodies – my little boys would love these too. The onesie is perfect for drinking gin in, and is oh-so-cute (bet your husband loves it) ! A great shopping effort – what you ended up buying is much more exciting than the other items originally featured on your list……ha ha
Ha, drinking gin dressed as grumpy bear proper made me laugh, and I wasn’t expecting a photo! Brilliant. And yes I always add things to my list that I’ve already done just to cross them out. I feel like an idiot as I’m doing it but also a little more satisfied that I’ve at least got something done! x
I’d call that a very successful shopping trip, winners all round! ;-)
I’d say you were very successful (and yes I totally add things to the list to cross them off) – love the batman hoodies and just look at their faces :)
I think you were very restrained when there are handbags and wine and all sorts of goodies lurking in them there shops. Yes – what kids need underpants or shoes? Funny post x
As you say, who needs toothpaste?!
Love that onesie – you are so cute, Gin, and your boys obviously deserve Batman hoodies – they model them like stars :) x
Everyone has toothpaste, toothbrushes, socks, etc. but not everyone has batman hoodies! I’d say this is good mum activity!! x
Love it! And those Batman hoodies are ace so well worth it. Despite the name of my blog I fail miserably at my to-do lists. There’s stuff on one that should have been done five years ago and I didn’t even have kids back then. Hopeless! Better go as the whinging drone I can hear suggests I appear to be neglecting the baby in favour of the laptop (I did put him under the baby gym first but it appears it’s no longer to his liking). Bad Mummy! Again!
Oh I do love your Care Bear onesie! As for the list-of-things-to-do-buy, I do mine mostly online (I guess it’s because of where we live), but it’s only partly so that when we go to the big-scary-city-to-shop, most of what I end up buying (like you), won’t be on the list anyway! ;) xx
You all look SO amazing. I will meet you at Mumsnet. I will be the one dressed as Brummy Bear. My sign is a balti xxx
Love this! That care bear onesie is awesome!! x
I need your care bear onesie in my life- I was obsessed with them when I was a kid. Still am a little bit lets face it.
And who doesn’t need a Batman hoodie?? Brilliant. Utterly brilliant. My to-do list is part getting things done, part wishing hopelessly that I’ll get things done and part fantasy masquerading as planning. *Crosses off commenting on this post… and drinking a mug of coffee. Well I did do it…*
Yay! Those hoodies are ace, they look so happy in them. And a Care Bear onesie! How awesome!
(Yes, I add things to my list to cross them off too – also buying a single item e.g. orange juice carries as much weight on my to-do list as hoovering the whole house, so I can get some quick wins.)
The batman hoodies are amazing. I love your outfit too. I need one of those. Aside note, I finally found light weight raincoat it was Finn McMissile from tescos of all places for Buba. lol Just a little mention. I am constantly adding things to my list just to cross off love that I am not the only one. :) You crack me up!
I have only just discovered your blog and just spent the last hour reading (procrastinating, I’m meant to be working). It’s brilliant, I have not laughed outloud at anything so much for a long time. It’s like someone is reading all my thoughts and publishing them (something I wish I had done, but never dared). I’m glad I’m not the only one with random list purchases, at last I’m not alone.
Haha love it, I now want a batman hoodie for myself and maybe some bum cream! Silky! Your kids are too gorgeous by the way!
Drinking gin dressed as a care bear is on everyone’s to do list isn’t it? No? Well it should be. No care bears were harmed in the making of this blog post, I assume? Great post as always lovely x
That was much better shopping than the boring stuff, who even needs pants anyway? I want a batman hoodie for me!
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I love your care bear onesie. I adored the care bears when I was little. I think you did a great job of getting your errands done! ;)
Love love love the onesie..and the hoodies too of course! :)
I’m bloody loving that! And yes, yes, yes, always add things to the list to get the satisfaction of crossing them off. Loving the hoodies and onesie – genius :-) x
I hate my life but at least this makes it bebraale.