I got married 3 years ago today so I thought I would write a little bit about how we actually came to be married – also I was thinking that If for whatever reason we die before I document it perhaps our children won’t ever know the wondrous tale!
Actually it’s not such a great story… I would like nothing better than to tell you a tale like the one of my Mum and Dad’s. They met in a pub, sat on a staircase, him sitting on the step behind her. They got chatting, he asked for her number and a few days later having totally forgotten her name, called her lodgings and asked to speak to the ‘northern nurse’. A brave and totally uncharacteristic moment for my dad which led to mine and my sisters very existence.
Our tale was more akin to a gradual wearing down.
We met at work. Our jobs were on a similar level but he had to produce reports for me and unfortunately, probably as they were deeply dull reports, he often got them wrong.
We found each other mildly irritating for a while but slowly and surely over the course of a year we started to grow on each other.
We liked to stay up all night dancing.
We were just friends but I started to realise that I didn’t enjoy things as much when he wasn’t there.
One day, after an award win at work, our company held an event to celebrate. They had loads free booze so we got drunk and snogged.
The next day everyone was hungover. I said I couldn’t believe it. No one else was surprised.
He asked me to be his girlfriend and we grew to accept each others character flaws.
I put up with his deeply geekish behaviour…
He put up with my daydreaming about rabbits…
We got a flat and a cat and felt a bit like a family. And then one December he took me to Tallinn in Estonia and proposed under the big Christmas tree in the main square.
I said yes but banned him from getting down on one knee in public.
At that very moment a small bundle of cells was starting to become a person in my tummy.
And as I wanted to wear a slinky dress and had no qualms about our bastard child being part of our big day it wasn’t until 2 years later than we actually married, with that small bundle of cells at our side.
It may not have been written in the stars but we are still here today, annoying the hell out of each other as always. Happy Anniversary J, here is to many more years sitting mute on the sofa together xxx

P.S. I have a new book OUT NOW! You can nab it on Amazon here or in your lovely local bookshop :)
i think it’s a great story, especially the Christmas tree in Estonia, that’s very romantic – and the gradual wearing down just seems very you!!
Aww, what a lovely story. Such a romantic proposal. Happy anniversary!! Xx
Love the story! It’s our third wedding anniversary on the 30th Dec, obvs the best couples got married in Dec that year
Yay we do!! Happy anniversary for the 30th :) x
Happy Anniversary to you two! :) I remember seeing your wedding photos in one of your posts and loved all of them. You both looked so happy! Heres to many more years of annoying each other and being married to each other! :) xx
You are hilarious! Love the pictures, especially the one of the green faces and puke ;) Our marriage is thanks to a gradual ‘wearing down’ too….oh the romance! x
Love this! A modern day love story! Happy Anniversary to you both! Xxx
Arrhh, very cute! I love the drawings too :-) x
Aw happy anniversary! What a romantic proposal too :) Your evenings look a lot like ours, by the way! x
Ah, what a gorgeous story! I was pregnant when my husband proposed too and our son was at our wedding! xx
Aww Happy Anniversary, Gin & J. Love the laptop/couch scenario. Defo our house :) xxx
Happy anniversary! I love this story, I met my husband at work too, so can relate to bits of it!! X
I loved this, how sweet!
Sophie x
Hooray! Stephen and I got married on 22nd! We are very nearly wedding twinnies. Sigh. Lovely. I think the picture of someone puking may be my fav you have done. Have a lovely evening bab xxxxxxx
Ahh thanks bab though you’d like that ;) Hope you have a fab day on the 22nd! xxx
Oh us too! Worn down and worn out!
Not so much a lightening bolt as an electric shock.
Happy Anniversary Katie x
Who said romance was dead??!! LOL! Congrats (and funny as ever). Love this…Jess x
I just love every single post you write Katie- so funny. Love the muted on the sofa part. And this line made me feel a bit soppy- “We were just friends but I started to realise that I didn’t enjoy things as much when he wasn’t there.” – thats how I felt about my hubby too! Happy Anniversary doll. xx
Ahhh thanks Katie – such a sweet thing to say! Happy nearly anniversary to you :) x
Hehe that last picture could be the bloke and I!
hahahahahaha that last picture is totally Hubby and I! Modern day marriages. Happy Anniversary lovely x
So sweet! I’m so jealous of how you can write such lovely things, but be funny too – that takes serious skill Katie! :) As ever, the drawings are amazing! Xxx
Ah love this! Happy Anniversary! x
Lovely drawings Katie and very happy anniversary. Hope your Dad has put the gun down. Don’t they normally point it at the bloke? He must have been keen for you to be married! What I’m wondering is if he still calls your mum the northern nurse?
Have a gorgeous holidays and ‘see you’ next year X Jo (Jeff)
Awww, I love the bit about you worrying about people clapping at the proposal. Very you. Great story and congrats. x
It’s just like a Mills and Boon! Love it, Katie and happy anniversary! Attrition – the underrated romantic technique. Hope you have a marvo Christmas with your two little bundles of cells and their lovely geekazoid pops! xxx
Loving your illustrations once again! Especially the shotgun wedding lol Happy anniversary x
Awww what a lovely, very truthful love story. You really do make me laugh!
Happy Anniversary! I have recently discovered your blog. Hilarious! The pic of you two on the couch is so me and hubby too x
Congratulations and happy anniversary. What a great story!
My husband and I (now married 7.5 years) got together via drunken snog on a work night out. Then got engaged 6 weeks later when we were sat in our pajamas in bed one night and he said “shall we get married then?” And I laughed because I thought he was joking….
When people ask us how we got engaged I think they expect something more romantic!
I think a Christmas tree proposal in Estonia is lovely,.
Congratulations on your anniversary
Oh Katie, I love this. It’s really romantic in a non sickening way. Two friends falling for each other. As always brilliantly written. Xxx have a great anniversary x
Happy anniversary! It’s our fourth tomorrow….and we are currently sat on the sofa in the same way as you as I read this!!
Aw! Lush!
I was knocked up at my wedding. I wore a massive white tent from a knocked-up bridal shop and my honeymoon was in Newquay where it rained and I could only drink soda water as my husband got shit faced on tequila.
I loves a romantic story! Happy anniversary xx