My biggest boy has had the same bedroom since he was 18 months old and according to him it was ‘just not cool any more Mummy!’
He was right and I was worried that when friends come over they would diss him and trash his rep at school. Also I thought YAY project! And then got to work researching kids room decor on Pinterest (yep I know I wrote a post slagging it off a while ago but like Lily Allen I reserve the right to change my mind, and it’s worth noting that a lot of what I say is bollocks anyway).
You could easily loose days of your life on pinterest researching a bedroom your kid has absolutely no interest in. But as I was swooning over all the monochrome chic a nagging voice in my head said perhaps he should have a degree of involvement. So I asked him what he thought a cool bedroom would involve…
‘BATMAN of course!’
Before I became a parent, or more specifically before I became a parent to an actual child rather than just a baby you could do whatever the hell you liked with, I used to look at other kids with all their character branded garb and just be like URGH, yuk. Why would you dress your kids like that and not in breton stripes, cool cords and converse?!
In short I was probably the type of annoying person that I would now like to punch in the face. With a brick.
These days I more than just get it, I subscribe to it. In fact I chalk it down as a success if we don’t leave the house in full Spider-Man or Ninja Turtle dress-up. People buy stuff like that for their kids because it makes em happy and happy kids rock.
Obviously all this doesn’t just stop at clothing, So at the end of the day I wept a tear for my monochrome dream that would never be, shut down my laptop and marched off to Argos to buy Lego Batman duvet covers for 20 quid. Over a couple of weeks I sourced and stashed various batty bits and bobs away, and at the weekend J took the boys to the park so I could get everything ready for a big changing rooms type reveal. But as anyone who has kids will know, anticipating a joyful reaction from them is fools gold, because there is always something absolutely vital (that they never told you about but YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN) missing.
Or is there…
My guy can be a right royal pain the the backside when he wants to be but he is the bee’s knees when he is on the charm offensive.
But then… DAMMIT
But clever old me was one step ahead! After all my effort I couldn’t bear to have any negativity damage MY shining moment and thus I had purchased him a Batmobile!
Of course the perfect parent who sits on my shoulder taunted me mercilessly for being such a pushover.
But I guess what I’m trying to say here is… sometimes it’s worth silencing your inner perfect parent to protect all the happy (and by that I mean jumping up and down on them until their head snaps off).
You see crappy tat does good things to kids faces and small kid smiles are parenting crack.

P.S. I have a new book OUT NOW! You can nab it on Amazon here or in your lovely local bookshop :)
I was hoping they’d be a photo of his new bat-room! Complete with black walls and yellow logos!!! Love that smiles are parent crack :) x
I have to do a lego starwars bedroom for my 7 year old *sighs*. But I have been on pinterest, spent many hours pinning the stuff that would look good plus recipes I will never use and outfits I will never buy. Pinterest and I have a love/hate relationship.
Haha I am the same as you… I look at beautiful Katie’s bedroom makeover for her two girls and then my little boy assures me it is a minion bedroom that he wants. Haha…. I’m so happy your little man loved it, moments like this are what it’s all about :) xx
I know the day will come when my girls will insist on replacing the (cheap imitation) Farrow & Ball Skimming Stone paint with garish dulux hot pink or worse, Bratz wallpaper, but until then….
Haha, we are in the middle of the bedroom decorating battle. I want a nice seaside theme, all blue and white, a bit shabby chic. O wants a Lightning McQueen bedroom. I just can’t bring myself to do it, but I fear I may cave if he goes on about it much longer! xx
My boy has a lovely room with all shabby chic shit I love. Now? I own the worlds most horrible Thomas duvet only trumped by the worlds worst Lego one. Hey he’s happy? And that makes me happy (but a bit cross as it’s so ugly).
I need to see this Bat Cave. My oldest two share and they still have their baby curtains. We keep saying we’ll sort it… but well there is only so many hours in a day and I want to spend some of them on the sofa with a beer ha. I did snigger at the Lilly Allen changing mind bit. Glad he loves it x
Haha I love it. My boys are all about Star Wars and Transformers at the moment. I still chose cute pastel coloured dinosaur duvet covers for them though as I liked them! Thankfully they were too excited that they’d got a new, bigger bedroom with new big boy cabin beds to care that they didn’t have Darth Vader on their covers. Oh I do miss Argos though – we don’t have anything similar to that over here! Let’s hope he continues to love Batman and doesn’t change his mind next month :-) xx