I can hardly even believe i am writing this, its such a cliche but just where has the time gone? It seems only a few weeks ago that we were bringing you home, our perfect little bundle, our second son.
I had forgotten nearly everything about babies from last time around but remembered just enough to not be terrified of you. To spent those precious early weeks just enjoying your warmness, your smallness. We spent the first day, the both of us in bed, you sleeping on my chest and me in a cycle of dozing off, waking up and looking at you feeling so bloody lucky.
So now you are a whole 6 months old and I’m still feeling the same. We all are. You really are the happiest little guy i know. There is no need to even try to get you to smile and you beam full faced loveliness at just about anyone you see. I have conversations with strangers wherever i go as you are always on the charm offensive – It makes being your mummy so easy.
You have chubby little legs, a wee round face, long dark lashes and hair that is going blonder by the day. As your mum I’m obviously biased but your gorgeousness is noticed by everyone else too – i know as i have often overheard randoms commenting as we have walked by!
like your big brother was you are desperate to be on the move. You can roll around, turn in circles and push yourself forwards slightly with your feet. You do get frustrated when you get stuck though and bedtimes have recently proved a bit problematic as are often having to come in to pull a stray limb out of the cot bars. Your favourite thing to do is BOUNCE, you adore your jumperoo and even jump around like crazy when anyone is trying to hold you. You have never been one for sitting on someones knee though – you have had very strong legs from the start and always want to be standing up. So much for cuddles, you just don’t have the time.
I feel bad that you don’t often get a look in with your older bro often taking up most of our attention. The baby massage and swim classes he went to as a small baby we just don’t have the time to do but we are very lucky that you are just happy to go along with the flow. You love being anywhere with people and are happiest chatting away to anyone who will listen. You giggle, you coo, you growl and you love shrieking very loudly and blowing raspberries.
You adore your brother too despite him being not too keen on you, your eyes are constantly tracking him round the room as he engages you in a way only a child could. It’s frightening just how similar you two are in your personality and mannerisms and i am sure when you are a bit bigger you will be the best of friends. If you like wheels and sirens as much as he does we are pretty much sorted.
S today on the left and F on the right at 6 months old 2.5 years ago!
So what to say my little S other than your just perfect, just beautiful. I could kiss your chubby little cheeks all day long and lets face it i pretty much do! I would like to freeze you in time at the moment so your biggest smiles will always be for me, but alas i can’t. So we look forward to seeing how the next few months pan out – seeing you eating, walking, talking and getting to know you and your little quirks more and more. Can’t wait. Love you to the moon and back xxxxxxx

P.S. I have a new book OUT NOW! You can nab it on Amazon here or in your lovely local bookshop :)
Such gorgeous boys! Seth looks so squishy and cuddly! :)
Oh I do wish folk would stop posting gorgeous pictures of ultra-cute babies! I’m too old to have any more” ;)
Ha ha sorry! Thanks though and if it helps they are both massive pains in the bum most of the time :)
Oh goodness, how cute is he!! You just want to eat him up!
Ahh thank you x
Mine are four and 14 months-I just don’t understand how they got so big so quick! Don’t you think it goes even faster with your second?!x
Yes I think it goes so much faster the second time around – you just don’t have the time to think! I want it to slow down a bit. Thanks do much for your comment :) x
Such a lovely post! I miss mine being babies. It only seems like yesterday but now my son is 8 and my twins will be 6 in a few days time. Where does the time go? Gorgeous pictures :-)
Thank you! Not sure where the time goes – it’s really scary! X
Aww I loved reading this as we know by now they are the same age. So similar to my LL, she is such a flirt and will smile at literally everyone! I wish they wouldn’t grow up so fast! x