I was tagged in Oh So Amelia’s blogging year in review post by the lovely Donna at Redhead Babyled, if you haven’t come across her before you should pop over and check out her super blog – she has a gorgeous family who are clearly a lot of fun!
There are just a few simple rules:
1. In your post, be sure to link back and thank the blogger that previously tagged you
2. Answer the questions below and tag at least 5 other bloggers
3. Include the badge in your post
1. Your top 5 new favourite blogs to read in 2013 (I would also love you guys to answer the questions if you have time!)
Wry Mummy – Jess is honest, funny and tells it like it is – just how i like it!
Tales of a Twin Mum – I love Karen’s blog as the stories of her twin boys make me laugh and remind me so much of my own son.
Wife, Mum, Student Bum Kerrie is an incredibly busy, multi-talented super mum and a little bit crazy too!
Life With Munchers The munch family look like a lot of fun so a visit here is always a good read! I also love the home and interiors posts and the blog is very pretty.
And then the fun began…… A simple, real and witty family blog by the very lovely Sam.
2. List Your 5 most read blog posts in 2013
An open Letter to Postman Pat
How to make a Postman Pat van cake
(am now wondering if i should now start up a Postman Pat sub blog?)
The Baby Led Weaning Police
The Power Game
Is it ever ok to swear in front of your kids?
2. Name one blog you wish you had found sooner
I’m only saying what you are thinking – simply a brilliant read!
3. Your favourite blog post of 2013
The soppy side of me has to say 2 years ago today…..
4. What would you like to improve (if anything) on your blog next year?
I spend a lot of time reading other blogs and not so much on my own so i would like to concentrate a bit more on my writing instead of bashing posts out very quickly. I guess i should also concentrate on plugging my blog a bit more, I have set myself up on all the social networks but they remain neglected apart from a bit of twitter!
5. Name one blog you have a blog crush on
I have two sorry! Firstly Gingerlillytea as it’s like being in a dream and secondly Mama Bear With Me for the amazing writing.
6. How often do you post?
I try to post twice a week and then i always join in with Mummy Daddy Me’s Ordinary Moments linky on a Sunday too – so 3 in total!
7. Share your first post of 2013
The smuggest user signature ever?
8. Name one thing you would be doing if you weren’t typing this post right now.
Drinking gin, obvs. Oh wait…..
10. What have you loved the most about blogging this year?
Just that people are reading and enjoying my blog! I am still blown away that anyone reads it at all. Also, of course, all the lovely people i have ‘met’.

P.S. I have a new book OUT NOW! You can nab it on Amazon here or in your lovely local bookshop :)
Yay! More blogs to discover – thank you! Oh dear, I’ll never be able to get anything thing done. Hahaha :) x
Ha ha sorry! I would have actually added you to the list Dean but I was worried you might think I was getting a bit stalkerish! ;)
Hahaha. No worries, Katie! :) xx
Ah! Thanks for the mention Katie! I have really enjoyed reading your blog this year too! Its also particularly gratifying when bloggers I follow post regularly because I love have a little read with my coffee in the morning! I will try and post more often too – I’m hoping for a bit of a change to my schedule come April which may give me a little bit more free time to do this kind of thing!! X
No worries at all! And I hope the changes are exciting :) x
Ahh there are some blogs up there that I’ve never read. Will have to have a leek :) happy new year!!
Ahh enjoy! and happy new year to you too Tas :)
Ooh Im going to check out those blogs
Hope you like them – you should! :)
Thanks for the mention Katie, and I love that you join in with the Ordinary Moments. If I had to answer the top question yours would be one blog I am happy to have found this year. And I am not just saying that cause I am posting on your blog. ;) x
Ahh thanks Katie :)))) x
Thank you for the mention! Looking forward to reading your blog xxx