The Ordinary Moments – Destructo Baby


Fast as lightening and on a mission to dissemble.


This is the new kind of ordinary that has come to be common place in our house. Eyes in the back of my head would be quite useful right now :)

Oh yeh and he can open the Xbox and turn the sky box off so that’s lots of fun too! Yay.

mummy daddy me
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19 thoughts on “The Ordinary Moments – Destructo Baby

  1. Dean B

    Looks too familiar! I miss when we used to have a clutter-free house. Then again, I wouldn’t want to exchange T’s mess for anything in the world :) Love the ordinary moments.

  2. cariemay

    Definitely an ordinary moment around here too – Elma likes scattering DVD cases in her wake as she sits there turning the Xbox on and off and on and off and on and …. It must be something about the little light that she just can’t resist, and it makes beeps, on that basis surely it’s a baby toy!

  3. notafrumpymum

    That’s looks like our house on a normal day. Seriously, I don’t know what the kid did to the surround sound but we’ve never been able to switch it back!

  4. Katie @mummydaddyme

    Haha this is definitely starting to become an ordinary moment in our house too. LL is on a mission to get everywhere! She isn’t crawling yet but she is definitely moving by dragging herself super quickly. She wants to get into everything and our television is quite low! EEEK!

  5. Caroline

    Well that’s hilarious when it’s not your house being destroyed:) My 2 year old still spends most of the day movning objects from their actual homes to the places she would like them to be, and I spend most evenings putting it all back again!

  6. 3yearsandhome

    What is it about wires and tv that attracts them so much?! I’m forever vigilant at the mo because BB is drawn to them like a moth to a flame. Luckily CK has a bit of the ‘Swiss policeman’ in him and snitches :-)


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