Category Archives: Family

Little F turns the big 3!

One day after your little brother turns 6 months it’s your big day – the big 3! I’d say the years have flown by and i guess they have but i can hardly even remember a time when you weren’t in our lives – what the hell did we do with ourselves?!

Felix 0-30,1,2 and 3!

This birthday feels like a bid deal. Firstly it’s the first one you have been properly excited about and anticipating – you put in requests for your presents (Postman Pats van), your birthday cake (Postman pats van!), and told me who you would like to invite to your party. You are VERY exited about your party!

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Baby S at a whole six months old!

I can hardly even believe i am writing this, its such a cliche but just where has the time gone? It seems only a few weeks ago that we were bringing you home, our perfect little bundle, our second son.


I had forgotten nearly everything about babies from last time around but remembered just enough to not be terrified of you. To spent those precious early weeks just enjoying your warmness, your smallness. We spent the first day, the both of us in bed, you sleeping on my chest and me in a cycle of dozing off, waking up and looking at you feeling so bloody lucky.

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On Breastfeeding

My second son turns 6 months old on Monday and he is breastfed. It feels weird to say that as i never imagined I would get to this point after a very different experience last time around.

When my first son F was born I had a terrible time trying to get feeding sorted. I was very keen to breastfeed but it was incredibly painful from the start, I had cracked and bleeding nipples that just wouldn’t heal. Unable to feed him directly we started on a exhausting cycle of pumping, bottle feeding and topping up with formula. When I had healed enough I tried to feed him myself but we just ended up back in the same boat. After two bouts of infectious mastitis and a miserable start to what should have been a very happy time I threw in the towel. I felt guilty but the sight of him happily drinking formula from a bottle meant i could finally relax. My boobs let out a sign of relief.

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Sibling rivalry – baby vs. big bro


actually touching here

When I considered the challenges of having two children I thought about the sleepless nights, the extra laundry, the noise, the squabbles. Of course I thought about the jealousy too but I totally underestimated just how much this would affect our family.

Whilst I was pregnant with S I read F books on having a new baby. We talked about it a lot but its hard to say how things actually translate in the mind of a 2.5 year old who, thus far, has had the world revolve around him.

So when the actual day came for the two of them to meet Seth did the courteous thing of buying his big bro a shiny new fire engine. F eyed him suspiciously but was bloody happy with his new toy – everything was good.

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Weaning dread – the second time around.

So we have started the joys of weaning and I must admit I have been dreading it. So far Seth has been breastfed and although I struggled at first, now for the most part, it’s a breeze.

So as our little guy starts to grow into the next stage of his babyhood my head hurts with all the practicalities. I have totally forgotten everything from last time around!

When should you introduce finger food? When can they have meat? Do you give food before or after milk? Can someone just write me a new routine? How the hell am I supposed to cart around all the extra paraphernalia along with the copious changes of clothes for a potty training toddler?! And the mess, oh the mess.

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