The Ordinary Moments – Car Parks

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Cars cars cars cars cars cars.

Racing cars, making car parks, making car parks and racing cars.

Cars cars cars cars cars.

Cars, car parks and cars.

Yup that it.

Another ordinary day – another gazillion car parks.

If you want to join in with The Ordinary Moments from the lovely Katie at Mummy Daddy And Me Makes Three click on the below button.

mummy daddy me


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3 thoughts on “The Ordinary Moments – Car Parks

    1. hurrahforgin

      ha ha – it’s mad how much he adores his cars, his first word was car! I always thought the boy/girl thing was a bit more nurture than nature but nope it’s just ingrained!

  1. mummydaddyme

    I can’t believe his first word was car! Haha! And he is a typical boy it seems! I can see his lining up his cars, Mads does that with her little bits and pieces too, she likes them neat! I like your new blog layout too. x


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