The Ordinary Moments – Play-Doh Pimp My Ride


I’m sitting here at the kitchen table writing this post, as I often am after breakfast, watching my biggest boy work his play-doh creative juices.

Today’s project covering cars with play-doh! Adding different coloured bonnets and doors, sticking on new wheels and headlights. It’s ‘Pimp My Ride’ for a three year old.

I’m tired today and It would be tempting to fob him off and whack Cbeebies on; but as watch the intense concentration on his little face my heart swells with pride.

mummy daddy me


P.S. I have a new book OUT NOW! You can nab it on Amazon here or in your lovely local bookshop :)


13 thoughts on “The Ordinary Moments – Play-Doh Pimp My Ride

  1. Jess @ Along Came Cherry

    Haha brilliant! We had a telly free morning today too as Cherry has become a bit addicted to it lately. It’s amazing how their imaginations flow when they don’t have distractions. She ended up pretending to make ‘wine’ flavoured cakes, no idea where she got that from! x

  2. jennypaulin

    thats very creative of him and you are a good mummy allowing play dough play so early in the morning :)
    i hope the rest fo your day passed by more gently x x

  3. cariemay

    What a lovely imagination – the cars look fantastic. I’ll admit I approach playdoh with a bit of trepidation mainly because Kitty has a delightful habit of eating it! We tried moon dough as an alternative over the weekend but after I hoovered the better part of three bags worth out of the carpet I have declared it an outside toy!

  4. mummydaddyme

    Aw he is actually quite creative! He is doing a better job than I could. I can’t even make a play dough sausage. ;) And Mads loves play dough but she gets it trampled into my carpet which then sends me over the edge. ;)

  5. TalesofaTwinMum

    Brilliant – might have to get my boys doing this as they adore play doh. Unfortunately whenever they drop any our dog eats it, which they think is funny so then they drop more of it! Very cute picture. xx


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