‘What colour coat would you like? Which trousers would you like to wear? Which shoes shall we put on today?’
‘RED! Can I get a red hat too?’
‘I like red!’
‘Yes it’s my favourite!’
‘Ooh thanks for telling me I’m not sure I would have guessed.’
‘That’s ok mummy. I like lellow too but not as much as red.’
Got it!
This post is linked up with to Mummy, Daddy, Me for the Ordinary Moments. Sharing normal, everyday moments that capture the essence of family life. Nothing special, nothing remarkable but memories that you don’t want to forget. AKA the nice part of my blog (usually).

P.S. I have a new book OUT NOW! You can nab it on Amazon here or in your lovely local bookshop :)
Aww… What an adorable little man! Red looks good on him… besides, it’s almost Christmas after all :)
Thanks Dean and yes it looks fab for Christmas too! x
Brilliant! I’m so pleased I’m not the only one that has to leave the house looking striking like that. T1 has to wear red from head to toe, and T2 likes electric blue (that includes pants and socks too). We look a real state walking down the street! It looks very festive though! x
Ha ha – glad its not just me then :) Makes the laundry a bit more stressful though doesn’t it!
Red is awesome – he looks wonderfully festive and cheery, it brings a smile to your face to see him – long live red!
hee hee thanks Carie! x
This is so cute! We love red too here.
Congrats on finding the exact same shades of red :)
Ah bless him! We have the same here but with pink! x
It could be worse. Lil’ L’s obsession has been pink for the past two years straight and has only now started to wear off ever so slightly. Consider yourself lucky :-) x
He looks cute :) can never get too much of a good thing :) xx
i adore his outfit but then my fav colour is red x
Hi Hun it’s ripattisvoicebox I have moved to http://www.letstalkmommy.com just so u don’t get confused when I comment. Lol I absolutely love your ordinary moments posts. And I love that everyone is catching it too. What a great link up.
Beautiful boy, we love red here, so cute!
We love red too! Not quite as much as your little chap though. ;) But at least he is getting in the festive spirit eh! ;)
ha ha we also have a I like red only red and sometimes black boy.
My little girl loves red too, but she hasn’t quite hit the stage of choosing her whole outfit yet, just bits of it :) Brilliant photo, he looks very cute! #TheOrdinaryMoments
Love it!! So much better than pink, E’s current obsession! x
ah bless them. When they know what they want eh!!
Very cute! and very festive x
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