So my eldest son F is getting referred to as a ‘she’ quite a bit lately; um well most of the time actually.
At the park yesterday and the results were as follows – Being called a she 3-0 Being called a he.
Soon as he is dressed pretty boysey most of the time the key source of confusion seems to stem from the Hair. Hair we haven’t had properly cut since he was born.
My husband has been on at me for a while to get it cut as he thinks it looks a mess and he is even more adamant with the whole ‘Oh isn’t she pretty‘ type comments.
But i can’t bare to part with the pretty gold ringlets. What do you think? Should boys have short hair? Please say no!

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We also have boys that have both had long hair and I loved it! I didn’t love it when people called them she. For kindergarten we cut it short on the sides but still longer on top. If you love it keep it!
Thank you! :)
My son has the closest crop acceptable for a toddler but I love it that way because it’s a complete contrast to his huge eyes and pouty lips. I’d go with whatever your son prefers though. If mine asked to grow it long, for sure I’d let him.
I doubt he would care! I have tried to ask but he just ignore me – such a boring question when there are cars to play with. Thanks for your comment!
I like the long haired surfer dude look on boys. Do what makes you and your son happy! My friends little one has long hair and she puts it back with a clip- he gets called a girl loads! x
I have put a clip in it before and he does look totally like a girl then! I might leave it this way a wee while longer :)
My little boy had beautiful ringlets up until he was about 3 and then they started to fall out. I couldn’t bring myself to cut his hair though, despite it getting rather long and tangly. He was always being mistaken for a girl even though he was dressed like a boy. He started school this week and I took him for a big boy haircut last week. He looks so different and there is no mistaking he is a boy now and I have no regrets getting it cut. I really don’t see there being a problem at all with long hair on boys as long as he is happy with it. Maybe you could cut his fringe and leave the rest long just as a compromise to keep your husband happy?!?! :-)
Yes I think we could compromise with a trim. He starts school in a year and I will definitely get it shorter for then, I think it just looks cute when they are little :)
I love his hair, he’s like a little surfer dude! I think my son will have similar hair when he’s older, I can’t wait!x
Ahh thank you! :)
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Aw I love his hair, I agree he looks like a little surfer dude :) x
I think it’s gorgeous, and my little girl would be jealous of it, yet again today she was referred to as a cute little chap! ;)
Thanks – ha ha, maybe we need to do a hair swap?!
Ha ha thanks! X
he suits it. my lil bro had hair like this when he was small but got it cut before he started school. its up to u tho do what you feels best not what others dictate you should do x
Thanks – yep I think the answer is getting it cut before he starts school x
Love his curly locks. Just lopped loads off my gang before returning to school today though, there is surfy look and just unkempt. You lad is still young enough to look super cute with his blond curls.
Thank you! That’s exactly what I think too :)
Keep the curls! They’re so gorgeous. We have this argument all the time as Dadda hates it when the first strands of Sebastian’s hair creeps over his ears! So Dadda takes him to get it cut under strict instructions not to go too short. If I had my way Sebastian would be a little surfer with long hair!
Hello not sure if you already know this as if you do then just ignore this message, but I’ve nominated you for an award, you can check it out here, I should have messaged you days ago but forgot oops sorry!
I love long hair on boys, and men for that matter! My OH had a ponytail until recently when he went to the other extreme and shaved it all of! I think I will let J’s hair grow until it gets to the stage where people make comments, it scares me to think of him having a hair cut that makes him look too grown up. His curly locks are amazing by the way! x