I’m not quite sure where the mix up happened but i ordered a chilled out one this time around. You know, the ones that sit (sit?! whats that?), play happily on a blanket, never stray too far from their mama’s?
I got a climber though (again). I can’t turn my back for a second. He’d get on the windowsill too if i didn’t catch him in time. I blame the cat she’s a bad influence! ;)

P.S. I have a new book OUT NOW! You can nab it on Amazon here or in your lovely local bookshop :)
Ah, mythical still children – wish they existed. My 4 year old thinks our room is a playground just for her. I’ve given up even telling her to get down now!xx
Ha ha. My twins are like that. One just sits and can’t even crawl yet and the other is almost walking and getting into everything. I am just enjoying it before they both get moving. :-)
That’s so interesting! Shows you how much of a personality thing it is….which do you prefer ;) x
Wow! In 20 odd years time when he phones you from the top of Everest you’ll know it all started with the cat!
ha ha :)
My Alice does EXACTLY this – I’ll get a picture next time, it’s identical! Silly kids! xxx
Are they trying to give us a heart attack?!
I remember the first time I found the wee girl on top of a table, having pulled a stool alongside to climb up on :) Can’t take my eyes off her for a second!
My older one does the same with stools, keeps trying to get in the biscuit tin! x
Haha I can remember Cherry doing this! I’m in no doubt that J is going to be even worse! x
Yep i seem to breed em like that too!
My youngest has started climbing and it scares me. My oldest son was the worst, he would push a chair near the cabinets and climb up on them.
Same with my eldest!! The baby would love to get up the stairs but we have a gate on them to stop his fun and keep me calm(er) x
Lol! The great escape!
Hilarious! My son never climb on anything or went on the stairs so we didn’t have gates. But I foresee a climber in missy moo. She seems to be nosy and raring to go ! Eek
ah we have a couple of those! they just get more outgoing it seems!!
Brilliant! And I ordered the same thing but I have an even more nosey, inquisitive one. So I can fully sympathise. ;)
Thankfully I do not have a climber! Both of mine have kept away from high surfaces such as the windowsill!
I have a climber too. I’ve ordered a sleeper this time… I’ve been pretty good this year too so I reckon Santa should sort it out for me.
Like the climbing LOVE THE CHAIR!
Haha, me too, he started off quiet but now is the craziest monkey ever. We call him Houdini as he can get out of anything, car seats, strapped high chairs, he operates washing machines…help x
Ha, ha, what would you do all day if they sat still?
Awesome! You can never, ever, EVER leave the room again. I thought my little one was chilled too but he’s now attempting to overpower his brother and sometimes wins :-)