If i could sum January up in one word it would probably be broken – the car, the TV, the boiler (twice), Finn McMissile’s wing mirrors, my attempt at a dry January (a ridiculous notion to be fair), the hook on the back of our bedroom door that i hang my dressing gown on (a minor grievance to most but one that is causing me more upset than it should – i just don’t have anywhere else to put it and its of the massive fluffy variety.)
I also discovered yesterday that a big pile of leaves in the garden that i had been meaning to (get J to) clear for a while is being used as a toilet facility for the neighborhood cats. Now its just a huge cat shit/leaf combo. That has rounded the month off nicely.
In short its been wet, windy and very expensive – like most people we have been holed up at home for a lot of it, keeping cozy, dry and avoiding spending money. But it doesn’t suit any of us too well; the boys are much more contented being out and about and as such, so are we – for anyone with children will know that your mood is, more often than not, completely paralleled with the small ones.
So despite the cold, if its dry we will find somewhere to run off some steam and get a bit of fresh air. The park, the beach, the downs or a local farm a’ la this months Me & Mines. The day was pretty bitter and gray so the photo opps weren’t great; I had hoped to get a few alternative shots with some animals in but of course cows and sheep don’t have steering wheels so here we are on a derelict tractor instead.
We won’t be sad to say goodbye to January and welcome in a new month tomorrow. February has plenty to look forwards to – a first birthday for a very special little man, me heading to London for a weekend writing course, F’s pre school immunisations (oh no not that, not that!!) and i am still fervently clutching the spa day voucher i got for birthday. BIT EXCITED about that.

P.S. I have a new book OUT NOW! You can nab it on Amazon here or in your lovely local bookshop :)
Aww. Here’s to February. I failed spectatcularly at dry Jan too. Maybe FebDRYuary? No that just sounds crap really. It’s great to spend outdoor time with the family – blows away the cobwebs. It’s been freezing here too, and the kids have been on and off with colds so we’ve not really been outdoorsy for the past few months. Hopefully Feb will be better for everyone! Lovely post xxx
Ha no way I’m not attempting it again!! hope your lots are all feeling better again now and yes here’s to a great feb xxx
Goodbye January blues!!! I tried dry January – got to the 24th and Ollie had a second visit to A&E with a second gauge to his head needing glue and stitches and it was more than I could take! Enjoy the party planning, can’t wait to see! xx
Totally understandable Lucy! Hope he’s ok now x
That’s a lovely photo! You all look really happy :) nothing like fresh air after being holed up inside to give everyone a happy glow! I hope February holds much much less broken things for you xx
Thanks lovely – me too! x
Ah who could resist a good tractor – my aunt has a whole pin board of pictures of her nephews and nieces playing on the old tractor in the corner of the farmyard, it was a childhood right of passage! It’s a lovely picture and it sounds like you’ve survived January in favour of a very exciting February!
Thanks Carie and yes hopefully x
Oh you guys look so cold! Cold but absolutely cute! :) Me too… can’t wait till this dreary-month is over. Our January could only be summed up with one word – stressful! xx
Thanks Dean – it was freezing! x
Hahaha, how true that a parents mood is parallel to their kids mood. In fact I’d go so far as to say that kids’ moods pretty much dictate anything in the wider family. They’re powerful those little people!
These photos are so fun. We have some similar ones on an old tractor from when we were still a three, I might have to revisit that as a potential Me and Mine for this year. I know for a fact it’d guarantee one little man’s smile at least. x
Thanks Lucy – yep tractor vs. animals = no contest ;)
Such fun photos!
Thanks x
February sounds like it has plenty of fun to bring (other than the jabs, though Boo was a lot better with hers than I’d imagined, it was me getting more stressed!). Lovely photos full of smiles :)
Thats good to know! Thanks lovely x
When we moved into our new house recently, I could not rest until my bedroom hook was up! Sofa, fridge, tv, children’s beds – never mind them, I need to hang my gown! Lovely pic, Katie. I have so many pictures of my dudes on a rusty tractor. “Look there’s a llama!” I protest. They are not interested. Hope February brings much better luck! Xx
lol glad i’m not the only one!! Thanks Jess x
Lovely photos – Hoping you have a much better February! AND never, ever try to give up alcohol ever again. A gin every so often is medicinal and very much needed x
lol i won’t i promise!
Beautiful family and lucky you with the spa voucher and little one turning 1-Feb will rock x
Thanks lovely – we’ve not even set a date for his party yet – bad mummy!
Dear me – sounds like a pretty rough month! That spa day sounds like it’s in order! Hope you have cheaper and more cheerful February!
It is and i can’t wait! Thanks Becky x
Sometimes being thankful that the month is over is the best thing you can say about it! :) Here’s to a spectacular February!
Thanks you Kate and to you too! x
Haha so true, January has been a bit poo, let’s get on to February. Looking forward to my little lady’s first birthday too! And I feel your pain about the bedroom hook- the same has happened to us. ;) x
Love the photos on a tractor, it makes for a lovely photo :) I hope February proves a better month for you
I didn’t even entertain the idea of a dry january, I’d have failed within days! Lovely pictures though :) Hope your February is better than your January!
Awwww they are lovely photos. Here’s to a much better and luckier February x
Love the photo & the way you described the leaf/cat poo combo made me gaffaw through my nose. Lovely post xoxo
Let hope February is better! :) Lovely picture x
I hope Feb is a better month for you all. I love how you all look like you are having fun :)
Aaahhh lovely photos x
What a crappy start to year! Love the photo :-)
January is always a bit of a pain in the bum isn’t it?! Lovely photo’s :) xo