Things lately have been hectic but lovely with lots of trips and visits in June. With the World Cup wanderer now returned we had a day out at a national trust place (Nymans) on Wednesday. It was our first full day as a family of four for quite a while and we were blessed with more wonderful weather.
This month is a bit of a milestone for me as well as it marks our 12th family portrait – a whole years worth of photos and nearly a whole years worth of blogging (I started at the end of July though so not quite). It’s really interesting to look back on how we have all changed. The baby was but 4.5 months old and is now a bumbling loon of a toddler. The boy had a mass of golden ringlets and now he looks so grown up!
I have to give a shout out to Lucy for running such a fabulous linky – without you i would be lucky to have but one or two shots of the four of us :)
Finally i also attended my first ever blogging conference Britmums. You may remember that you wonderful people helped vote me through to the finals of the Brilliance in Blogging awards in the Fresh Voice category. Katy Hill (the former Blue Peter presenter!) was crowned the winner, you can check out her very beautiful blog here. It was a total honour to be a finalist and i would never have believed my name would have been up there if you had told me a year ago so thank you.
I had a wonderful time at the conference, there was free wine so i was obviously stationed next to the bar for the majority of the first day. The second day was a bit :-/ because of that. To be fair i didn’t really take that much on board as i was so busy meeting and chatting to wonderful bloggers i can now call friends (and luckily not internet weirdos).
Thanks Emma for letting me share your photo’s – i was obviously too lazy or drunk to take any myself. Below are links to all the lovely ladies pictured above – they have fabulous blogs so do check them out xxx
Brummy Mummy of 2, Make Me an Earth Mother, Wry Mummy, Californian Mum in London, Mummy Says, Potty Mouthed Mummy, Life at the Little Wood, Complicated Gorgeousness, Just a Normal Mummy, Cool Bananas Blog, Sisterhood (and all that) and Taming Twins.
This post is linked up to the very lovely Lucy at Dear Beautiful’s family portrait project, a great way to make sure you get a monthly family snap :) click the button below to read more posts or join in.

P.S. I have a new book OUT NOW! You can nab it on Amazon here or in your lovely local bookshop :)
Lovely family portraits! You’re so right, making it as a finalist (especially since you’ve only been blogging a year) is a big accomplishment indeed :) You still deserve a congratulations! Also love the photos with the other bloggers, you guys look like you’ve had so much fun :) xx
Gorgeous photos :) I love that you have a whole years worth to look back on now too, it’s one of the reasons I joined in because we didn’t have any of the four of us, there was always one person missing! #meandmine
Wooohoooo! One whole year of Me and Mine! Well done you. It’s so weird isn’t it, see a whole year of your family laid out like that? It really makes you see how much children change in a year. I’m so glad Me and Mine has inspired you and that you have so many lovely family photos as a result, that makes me feel more proud than I can tell you. x
How lovely to be able to look back on a whole year of photos. I VERY rarely get a snap of all of us in. Something to be treasured :) Lovely to meet you at Britmums but yet again, sorry to have not spent more time with you – so many wonderful people in one room! Glad you enjoyed it :) x
Great photos! I loved seeing all of your past photos too, this linky really does encourage you to take more family photos doesn’t it :) #meandmine
We’re so terrible at taking family pics together – i love your 12 month view and I bet its lovely to look back at how everyone#s grown and changed over the last year!
Gorgeous photo as always! You are such a cute family! Look how you’ve grown in a year!! x
Thanks for the mention you sext little minx :) x I really should have worn heels with my plan trees… lol x When I started reading this I bought that 2nd picture was amour house for a moment! :))) x you have a gorgeous little crew there misses ;) xx
well done on making it to a year! I am half way through now and loving it!
Stunning pictures, as this is my first I am going to follow in your footsteps and make this a monthly ritual, I will look back in 6 months time at all the pictures. How exciting. Congrats on being a finalist, still very impressive #MeandMine
Congrats on a year of family portaits! So exciting to have a ‘full set’ and compare the first to the most recent.
Gorgeous summery, sunny pics x
Lovely photo’s Katie! So nice to see a years worth of family photo’s and see how much everyone has changed :)
Yay for a full year of photos – it is so much fun having a full set isn’t it, and being able to look back and see all the little changes that a year brings. And I love your photos for this month – all hail the National Trust for providing great backdrops!
Lovely photos Katie, it looks like you had a great day. I love the one of the boys running off. (Also, you were robbed!)
Katie you have the cutest family ever! I love these as always!!! The place sounds great to visit to for a great family day out! #me&mine
What a lovely record of the last year as a family, gorgeous pictures. I really love the Halloween shot – it’s brilliant. So lovely you all got to have a family day out together – hope the other half isn’t too despondent about the world up! X
Gorgeous photos! It must be lovely having those last 12 to look back on. I don’t think we have a single family shot, DOH! Very tasteful BritMums bit ;) Thanks for the mention too ;) xxx
I LOVE OCTOBER!!! Glad the pics helped a bit bab. Was lovely to meet you. I only took pictures of all us and even then not very many. It was a bit manic wasn’t it? Hope you to come to Blogfest and then I shall take lots. Or drink the free gin and forget xxx
Lovely photos and congrats on making it 12 months of portraits. I love looking back on all the photos – this is what makes this link up so special. Glad you had a good time at BritMums too. I didn’t make it this year. I went last year and hope to go next year maybe.
Well done on doing a year of family photos Katie. It’s a lovely one to signify a year too- I love the one of your and your boys as well- it’s definitely a framer. x