The Post Christmas Devil Child

Christmas, although lovely, has left a slightly funny taste in my mouth (and no its not just the combination of too many chocolate orange segments washed down with Hendricks, which incidentally is a pretty decent pairing). I’ve seen the magic of Christmas with a child just old enough to understand it and I’ve also seen the aftermath.

A complete lack or routine, no pre-school for 2 weeks, a diet varied only by E numbers, visits, visitors, present upon present despite being a little……, making empty threats and approving ridiculous requests has led to, shall we say, a rather dramatic decline in behavior levels.


I sway between being angry and disappointed that I seem to have raised such a seemingly ungrateful and spoiled child and wondering what the hell I expected? Showering a 3 year old in chocolate, glitter and yes’s for 3 days before swiftly turning the off tap was never going to end well was it?

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New Year Goals


I’m not one for New Years resolutions as such – like a lot of people i don’t see the point of making big changes just because it’s the New Year. If you want to do something badly enough then just do it anyway right?

The problem is that most people resolve to do things they don’t actually want to do but think they should, mainly giving stuff up (drinking, swearing, big macs etc) yawn. I won’t set resolutions but i have been thinking about goals – positive changes or things i want to do or achieve in 2014. This is them.

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My 12 favourite things about Christmas

A bowl full of christmas nuts ready to crack.
A car load of goodies a delight to unpack.

Pulling ridiculous Christmas jumper poses.
Debating the plus points of Quality Street vs. Roses.

Everyone’s hair has a sprinkling of glitter.
A surplus family member is freebie babysitter.

Mouth watering oven snacks from M&S.
Tearing off wrapping makes a colourful mess.

Eating (more) cheese and avoiding Boxing Day sales.
Cosy and comfy away from the gales.

Whats not to like when there’s mulled wine on tap?
Plus there’s bonus points for a well strategised nap*.

* although these may be outweighed by embarrassing photographic evidence

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Coping Strategies For Christmas

As i peruse the photo i took today of F role playing with his Playmobil advent calender i wonder if the scene may be a premonition of the Christmas to come.

A rabid reindeer running amok (representing the small ones) bodies strewn amidst the chaos (those sensible enough to get drunk) santa pleading for his life with a mere carrot (a warning that any negotiations involving carrots are futile).


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Say NO To Body Scrubs This Christmas!

toiletmug1I’m old enough now that if i really want something then i would just buy it myself. When it comes to Christmas day i would be quite happy to receive a grand total of zero presents because i just don’t need anymore stuff*.

If people are to ask me for ideas as to what gifts i would like i will happily tell them not to bother. But it seems that’s not an acceptable answer. Or if i tell them what a really want – 12 hours alone in a dark room – they laugh and tell me to to stop being so melodramatic.

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